Orbán cabinet spokesman: ‘Twitter blocked 200 of my followers’

Zoltan Kovács, the state secretary for international communications and relations, said on Monday that Twitter had in an “arbitrary move” blocked 200 of his followers “overnight” without any explanation or notification in advance.

There have been numerous news reports and commentaries published about “this most recent hobby of tech giants of blocking or suspending mostly right-wing conservative voices they don’t like,” Kovacs said on Facebook.

He noted a similar move by Twitter in September last year, when it blocked the Hungarian government’s official account “without any explanation” just on the same day EU Commissioner Vera Jourova, “a Soros ally”, presented its rule of law report on Hungary.

“While these tech giants keep preaching about the importance of diversity, their moves over the recent weeks and months go to show that they are far not that supportive when it comes to the diversity of opinions,” Kovács said.

soros at WEC
Read alsoOrbán calls for stronger protection of Hungarian interests ‘against Soros’

Source: MTI


  1. Twitter is a private company. It has every right to decide who it wants and does not want using its free services – there is no god given right for people to use its or other social media platforms such as Facebook. Further, Twitter has only been existence since 2006; freedom of speech and the ability to express it has been around for long before then so Twitter declining certain ‘guests’ makes no difference to people who wish to make their opinions known. Naturally MTV wants it banned from Hungary because MTV wants everything banned if it does not fit in with the tunnel vision, far right views that MTV frequently expresses in rants of varying degrees in comments here. Fortunately, nobody takes a blind bit of notice of those regular hysterical outpourings.

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